
Recently Finished Commissions

Custom Painting Pricing

Order custom artwork based on your preferred size.
All dimensions are in inches. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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What can be painted to order?

The magic of painting can stop time, bring back memories and create new worlds. It takes a month or more to complete orders. Ask me in advance and find out the details.

Orders may vary such as your childhood memories, tasty miniatures, beautiful flowers and landscapes, favorite pets, portraits, painter’s copies of art.

The main thing is that the picture is filled with love!

43 п
83 Boats 2023

Art Size Guide

Choose the ideal size that fits your space, or request a custom size if you can’t find the perfect match.

Tasty miniatures

Inspired by the masterpieces of the Western European school of painting, I could not pass by the miniature. This is a very exciting process – the creation of such paintings. 

In my miniatures, I combine my sense of the world, the technical trends of the 20th century and their transformation from Dutch painting to the modern concept of Impressionism. Here I can fully open up by showing the advantages of the Kharkiv school of painting. 

This is a royal gift that is available to everyone.

85 Raspberry 2023
109 Sweet cherries 2023
86 Pomegranates 2023
88 Orange slices 2023

I can save your memories

The life is so fast each day give us more and more information. Sometimes we are confused in variety.

But we have the most valuable memories for example birdsong and memory of a lovely place, the smell of the spring flowers and first love.  The most pleasant memories of your beloved home, its comfort, warmth, smell. These are the best moments of your life. You can keep these moments forever in your memory by ordering a portrait of your home.

123 Mysterious house 2023


Portrait and figurative art

On 2015 I finished the Art Academy of art where I studied on the workshop of Portraits. Of course I love to paint portraits. I painted a lot of portraits and used this subject for my diploma. The fluently brushstrokes and impressionistic tendentious fill my figurative paintings with life. I was exciting to decorate my arts the Ballet School in Kiev.

You can see more my portraits and figurative art…

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Portrait of pets

I know how much you love your pet and I wanna show your love on the canvas. Just send me photos and I will create the original art for you. Also you can see more examples here

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 While each painting from my studio is unique, if you see a painting you like, I can create a new one that will reflect the energy and emotion of the original painting.

The new painting will also be unique, and you can be assured that no one else will have the same painting on their walls. Sometimes the second painting will be even more meaningful to you because it will contain your feelings as you explain them to me. By choosing a new composition with an artist, you become an artist yourself and this allows you to save your ideas for eternity. You can order a painting of a different size, but retain the primary stylistic and technical features of the original.